
What Do Typical Judgment Collection Services Look Like?

Here at Judgment Collectors, we offer a highly specialized service that goes above and beyond general debt collection. We are more than just a general collection agency. We focus exclusively on judgments, utilizing every tool at our disposal to ensure creditors get paid. Perhaps you are wondering…

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6 Important Things to Know About Collecting Judgments in …

We recently published a post discussing important things to know about collecting judgments in Utah. Being that we are licensed to operate in a total of six states, we thought it might be wise to discuss collecting judgments in all of them. This post will focus on collecting judgments in Texas. In…

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judgment collection

4 Important Things to Know About Collecting Judgments in …

Regular readers of our blog know that states regulate civil judgments according to their own laws. We are active in six states including California, Washington, and Idaho. Needless to say, some of the laws in these other states vary quite a bit from the laws on collecting judgments in Utah. It is…

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Why Self-Employed Creditors Should Outsource Judgment Col…

As a judgment collection agency active in multiple states, we have had the privilege of interacting with self-employed people in Utah, California, Arizona, and several other states. These are generally good people who sincerely just want to get paid and get on with their lives. We are happy to…

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California Judgments

What Is a California Order of Examination?

Rules governing civil judgments vary from one state to the next. As an organization that specializes in judgment collection in California, we make it our business to fully understand the rules in the Golden State. For example, we are aware of the fact that California law provides for an Order of…

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California Judgments

Top 4 California Judgment Collection FAQs

California is somewhat unique among the fifty states. Just in terms of its legal system, there are things in California law that you will not find anywhere else. We have spent the last several months emphasizing that very fact on our blog. Collecting judgments in California requires knowing what…

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California Judgments

Judgment Collectors in California: Know the Law

Collecting unpaid judgments is part knowledge, part skill, part experience, and part luck. Some judgments are easier to collect on than others. Regardless, the key to success is knowing the law. That certainly is the case in California, where the rules governing judgments and collection can differ…

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California Judgments

California Law Makes It Easier to Collect Judgments

Labor judgments are a unique type of judgment involving employers and their employees. They can be just as difficult to collect as any other kind of judgment. But in California, a new law just implemented at the first of the year helps. It allows creditors to continue collection efforts against…

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Who Will Be More Persistent, You or Your Debtor?

Recently, we put together a post talking about how persistence and an airplane hangar helped us get a judgment taken care of for one of our clients. If you haven’t read that post, we invite you to take a look. It demonstrates how Judgment Collectors can utilize a variety of tools to find…

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judgment collection

Strategies for Minimizing and Avoiding Judgments

Having to go to court is no fun. As a business owner or manager, civil litigation is not on your list of things to do. You would rather concentrate your company’s efforts on serving your customers. Things don’t always work out that way, though.  No matter how hard you try actively…

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judgment collection

5 Things You Can Do After Turning Judgments Over To Us

Clients working with us for the very first time have lots of questions. For example, they frequently ask us what they need to do next, after turning their judgments over to us. Our answer is ‘nothing’. Once you turn a judgment over to Judgment Collectors, there is nothing else to do. We…

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How Persistence and an Airplane Hangar Got Results

Rarely do we get results without putting in significant effort. Effort is part of the judgment collection game. But sometimes, effort alone is not enough. Some cases require a lot of persistence along with a bit of good fortune. Such was the case on a judgment we recently got action on. The…

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