debt collection

Knowing Why a Debtor Won’t Pay Could Make a Difference

It would be nice for judgment creditors if every court case ended with prompt payment of any monetary award granted by the court. But that’s not how things generally work. Oftentimes, it takes a while to get paid. Judgment debtors have their reasons for either slow-walking payment or not...

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Judgment Collection’s Two Main Players: Creditor an...

The debt collection industry is like any other in the sense that it has its own vocabulary. Take judgment collection. The two main players in any judgment collection scenario are the judgment creditor and judgment debtor. Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with these two players. You are about...

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debt collection, Idaho

Garnishment Is Just One Means of Collecting a Judgment in...

Judgment creditors in Idaho have access to several means of collection. Garnishment is just one of them. We suspect a lot of people have heard about garnishment but do not truly understand what it is. This post will explain the basics of garnishment and why it might not be the best option....

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debt collection

Debt Collection: How Much Is Your Time Worth to You

Certain aspects of running a business are almost necessary evils. Debt collection is one of them. And when debt collection goes as far as civil litigation, business owners need to consider how much time they can afford to put into litigation and collection. If you are looking at taking deadbeat...

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debt collection, judgment collection

Top 3 Benefits of Letting Us Collect Your Judgments

You have gone to the trouble of taking someone the court for payment of an outstanding debt. You won the case and now have a judgment in your favor. What next? You can go it alone trying to work out some sort of payment with the debtor. You can leave collection to your attorney....

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debt collection, judgment collection

Why Do So Many Judgment Debtors Fail to Pay

As a Utah collection agency specializing in judgment collection, we have had our fair share of experiences tracking down and making contact with debtors who have failed to pay what they owe. If it were not for such debtors, we wouldn’t be in business. That aside, there are probably more...

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debt collection, Missouri

Debt Collection and Judgments in Missouri: 6 Interesting ...

Although the Judgment Collectors main office is in Salt Lake City, UT, we are active in 11 states. Missouri is one of them. Like every other state in the union, Missouri has some unique rules governing debt collection and judgments. If you or your business are in Missouri, how much do you know...

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debt collection

Tips for Avoiding Bad Business-to-Business B2B Debts

A fair number of the judgments entered in county courts around the country relate to unpaid business-to-business (B2B) debts. A vendor takes a client to court over unpaid invoices, expecting that a judgment will fix everything. Sometimes seeking a judgment is the only way to go. But if going to...

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debt collection

Is There Any Such Thing As a Truly Judgment-Proof Debtor?

Debt collection agencies in our industry need to always be cognizant of the judgment-proof debtor. Though legitimately judgment-proof debtors are the exception to the rule, they are out there. When we run into one, trying to collect on their debt is usually not worth it. There are reasons that an...

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debt collection

Collecting Judgments Across State Lines: A Harder Proposi...

We haven’t run across many people who consider collecting judgments good fun. We actually enjoy it, but that’s because it’s our business. For most of the creditors we work with, collecting is a very difficult proposition. It is made harder when judgment collection has to occur...

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