Yes – Judgments Are Subject to Statutes of Limitations

One of the more common questions we hear is whether a judgment is subject to a statute of limitations or not. We often get this question after a client has tried unsuccessfully for years to collect on an unpaid judgment. That aside, the answer to the question is pretty straightforward: judgments...

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judgment collection

What Happens When a Lawsuit Ends in Judgment?

No case we work as judgment collectors originates with us. We collect unpaid judgments which, by default, are the result of court action. Therefore, every case we work originates in civil court, where a debtor loses the case and has a judgment entered against them. So what’s the process? What...

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judgment collection

When Collecting Judgments, It Pays to Know a Debtor&#8217...

If we could point to one thing that most of our collection efforts ride on, it would be debtor assets. After all, a debtor without assets may be legitimately unable to make good on their debt. That’s why it pays to know a debtor’s assets. If we know what a debtor owns, we can...

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judgment collection

Judgment Collectors and Collection Agencies: The Differences

Judgment Collectors is a firm that specializes in collecting unpaid court judgments. You could make the case that we are a collection agency of sorts. However, there are some key differences between general debt collection and judgment collection. As such, collection agencies that market themselves...

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judgment collection

Give Us Your Judgments – 5 Better Uses of Your Company&#8...

Would you agree with the adage that says, ‘time is money’? If so, every minute your company spends on chasing down unpaid judgments represents time that is not spent generating revenue. Every minute spent on judgments represents less money earned. So if you’re wasting your...

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judgment collection

Even State Borders Don’t Deter Good Judgment Collec...

Judgment Collectors is part of a very challenging industry. The nature of this particular type of debt collection is such that the majority of judgments entered in this country are never paid. There are multiple reasons for this, including a lack of time and resources among creditors. Sometimes...

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judgment collection

4 Options After Winning a Judgment Against a Debtor

As a business owner, you made the difficult decision to take one of your customers to court. You and your attorneys prevailed. The court entered a judgment in your favor, one that requires the customer to pay what is legally owed along with your company’s court and attorney’s fees. But what...

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4 Signs Suggesting You Need Help Collecting Judgments

A company makes the difficult decision to turn to civil litigation in hopes of recovering a bad debt. They win their case, resulting in a judgment being entered against the debtor. Now what? Management assigns the task of collecting to a couple of staff members in the finance department. But they...

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