What Types of Judgement Cases Result in Monetary Awards?

It is not unusual for us to be asked about the types of cases we normally work on. From our perspective, it’s less important why a client won a money award and more important that the client actually collects. Yet we understand the sentiment. Potential clients want to know that we are familiar with the types of cases they are dealing with.

It turns out that several different types of civil cases can end in monetary judgments. You may be familiar with some of them. Below, we describe a number of the more common case types we have seen in our years as a judgment collection agency. If you have an outstanding judgment in any of the eleven states in which we operate, we might be able to help.

Debt Collection Cases

We put debt collection cases at the top of the list because they are so common. These are cases in which a business takes a customer to court for nonpayment. We’ve seen it all. We have seen healthcare providers sue patients for unpaid bills. We have seen car dealers go after customers who stopped making monthly payments. We have helped landlords collect back rent from non-paying renters.

The unfortunate thing about these types of cases, at least from the creditor’s standpoint, is that the debtor has limited financial resources – which is why the debt exists to begin with. But collection is still possible with the help of an experienced judgment collection agency.

Contract Dispute Cases

We also see a lot of contract dispute cases in our industry. Judgment Collectors and our counterparts across the country help clients involved in contract disputes collect monetary awards of all sizes. Courts can award monetary damages in contract dispute cases based on:

  • Expectancy damages (the amount the winning party expected to receive under the contract).
  • Reliance damages (an amount designed to restore the winning party’s economic position).
  • Restitution (an amount representing the other party’s profit after breaching the contract).

We will say that contract dispute cases are interesting. They involve a plethora of facts and details that are rarely seen in simpler cases. Then again, contract law is very complicated.

Personal Injury Cases

The one type of civil litigation you might be familiar with is known as tort. In simple English, tort cases are mainly personal injury cases. Perhaps a customer sues a business following a slip-and-fall accident. Or maybe it is one party in a car accident suing the other for injuries, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Personal injury lawsuits can result in sizable monetary awards. More often than not, the guilty party’s insurance company pays up and that’s the end of it. But what if that party did not have insurance? That’s when collection becomes more difficult. It is cases like these for which we recommend bringing in a collection agency.

Legal Duty Cases

We will wrap up this post with legal duty cases. These are cases in which one party alleges that the other party failed to meet its legal duty under the law. Government agencies often bring such cases against businesses. But one business could bring a legal duty case against another business. Even individuals can file these types of cases. Monetary awards would be considered to cover plaintiff losses.Regardless of the type of case involved, we are here to help if you are struggling to collect an outstanding judgment. Contact Judgment Collectors right away and fill us in on what you’re working on. We will take a look and let you know exactly what we can do for you.