judgment collection

Satisfaction of Judgment: What It Is and Why It Matters

Judgment collection is a fascinating enterprise with its own language and terms. For example, consider the satisfaction of judgment. Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it is and why it matters to both judgment creditors and debtors? If not, you’re about to learn the basics. A...

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debt collection

Valid Reasons for Accepting Less Than the Full Judgment A...

You have taken another party to court and won a sizable money judgment. Now it’s time to collect on that judgment. The debtor’s attorney contacts you and offers immediate payment if you agree to accept less than the full amount. What should you do? Should you accept the deal or hold out...

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judgment collection

Should We Have Our Attorney Collect a Newly Obtained Judg...

Upon winning a money judgment, a creditor has a couple of options for collection. The creditor can choose to collect in-house or turn collection over to another party. That other party could be the creditor’s attorney. Here is the million-dollar question: is the attorney the best choice for...

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Recording a Judgment and the Debtor’s Examination i...

Each of the states that Judgment Collectors operates in has its own set of rules governing money judgments and how they can be collected. The rules in Arizona may differ quite a bit from those in other states. So if you are attempting to collect a money judgment on your own, it pays to...

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How Long Does It Take to Collect a Money Judgment in Ariz...

Arizona is one of the many states Judgment Collectors operates in. That being the case, a question we hear quite frequently is how long it takes to collect an Arizona money judgment. The bad news is that we cannot give a definitive answer. Each case is different. The good news is that our team...

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debt collection

A Civil Lawsuit Takes Debt Collection to the Next Level

In our business, we work with clients who have taken other parties to court and successfully sued them. Many of our clients originally filed debt collection lawsuits against debtors who failed to pay what they owed. The big question is, why sue? In simple terms, a civil lawsuit takes debt...

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judgment collection

General Tips for Judgment Collection Via Writs of Execution

Collecting a money judgment is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Fortunately, judgment creditors have a number of tools at their disposal. One of them is the writ of execution. But like any other tool, there are right and wrong ways to utilize writs of execution. Using them right way tends...

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judgment collection

I’m Not Confident About Collecting – What Should I Do?

You have won a civil judgment that includes a monetary award. Now it’s time to collect. Unfortunately, you are not confident that you will see every dime you are owed, if you see anything at all. What should you do? Such scenarios are not all that uncommon. Collecting money judgments is not...

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judgment collection

What Are Some of the Challenges Related to Judgment Colle...

On any given day, there are judgment creditors all over the country trying to work with debtors to collect payment. Some are more successful than others. All of them face challenges of one type or another. The fact is that collecting a judgment is rarely as simple as extending one’s hand to...

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What Judgment Creditors Should Know About Garnishment in ...

Garnishment is a tool commonly used by judgment creditors around the country to ensure payment from their debtors. But if you are a regular reader of our blog, you know that states treat garnishment differently. Take Washington state. Their garnishment rules are a little bit peculiar. If you are...

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